Spanish Christian Video Directory Addresses
Adelante - Go Forth
Post Office Box 5538
Lynnwood, WA 98046-5538
Learning Spanish on video -designed for missionaries
American Tract Society
Sur 73-B #315
Apdo. Postal 74-022
Mexico 09081 Distrito Federal
Tel &fax : 539-96-18
Christian videos using Christian and secular Mexican actors
American Portrait Films
American Portrait Films
1695 W. Crescent Ave.
Suite 500
Anaheim, CA 92801 USA
Asociacion de Ministerios Andinos
Asociacion de Ministerios Andinos
Gonzalo Carvajal M.
Casilla 17-17-987
Diguja 384 y Av. Am�rica
Quito, Ecuador
tel: 251-661, fax: 253-030
Big Idea Productions
Phil Vischer
Veggie Tales videos
Four titles are now available in Spanish
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA)
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA)
International Ministries
Resource Services
1300 Harmon Place
Minneapolis, MN 55403-1988 USA
ph: (612) 338-0500 ext. 7130
fax: (612) 335-1233
(Contact BGEA International Ministries/Resource Services for videos to be for used outside the USA and Canada.
Contact World Wide Pictures if the videos are to be used inside the USA or Canada)
Calvary Book And Bible
Calvary Book And Bible
1919 N 10th St
McAllen, Texas 78501 USA
(librer�as en McAllen y Reynosa)
CAM International
CAM International
Dan Hollingsworth
Espirituales 97 (Spain)
Campus Crusade for Christ
Campus Crusade for Christ
Vida Nueva 2000
PO Box 832228
Miami, Florida 33283 USA
Special World Cup Edition of the Jesus video with three Brazilian team members giving their testimonies
Casa Bautista de Publicaciones
Casa Bautista de Publicaciones
Baptist Spanish Publishing House
P.O. Box 4255
El Paso, TX 79914 USA
Tel: (915) 566-9656
orders: 1-800-755-5958
Centro Audio Visual Educativo
Liverpool 65-203
Colonial Juarez
06600 Mexico D.F.
ph: 514-83-52
ph: 533-55-70 ext. 141
fax: 511-59-33
Video Cave
Centro Audio Visual Educativo
Jesus Garcia No. 71
Col. H. De Nacozari 07780
Probably the largest distributor of Christian videos within Mexico
Christian Book Distributors
Christian Book Distributors
P.O. Box 7000
Peabody, MA 01961-7000
Dave Christiano Films
Dave Christiano Films
318 South Rugby Road
Hendersonville, NC 28791 USA
Dave Christiano
phone 828-891-2767
fax 828-890-5817
I have a website,
,which showcases our films plus the other videos that we distribute. You will also note that we published a monthly FILM NEWS UPDATE, a monthly email newsletter, and various articles
that relate to Christian films.
Videos and 16mm films in 16mm.
The Ibero-American Missions Handbook is a listing of the mission agencies in Latin America, Spain and Portugal
which send out Latin Americans, Spanish or Portuguese workers into
cross-cultural ministry contexts. The Handbook was compiled for the recent
Comibam97 Congress in Acapulco and also contains information on the countries
where the Latino missionaries are serving plus summary stats, charts, graphs
and maps. The handbook is available for downloading in Spanish, Portuguese
and English at the Comibam web site:
Church Service & Supply
Church Service & Supply
1787 East 28th Street
Long Beach, California 90806-1978
(310) 426-6401
(800) 350-FILM
Large selection of Spanish Christian video titles for sale
Christian Films
Christian Films
415 W. Imperial
Box 2305
La Habra, California 90631 USA
ph: 213-691-0967
ph: 714-871-5670
They have a large selection of Spanish Christian videos and a good catalog with a description of the videos.
Christian Films Interstate
Christian Films Interstate
7915 Big Bend
St. Louis, MO 63119
Cathedral Films and Video
Cathedral Films and Video
P.O. Box 4029
Westlake Village, CA 91359 USA
Century Gospel Film and Video
Century Gospel Film and Video
P.O. Box 707
Souderton, Pennsylvania 18964
(215) 723-5522
Children's Media Productions
Children's Media Productions
P.O. Box 40400
Pasadena, CA 91114 CA USA
tel: (818) 797-5462
fax: (818) 797-7524
Attn: Ray Carlson
Christian Duplicators International
Christian Duplicators International
1710 Lee Road
Orlando, FL 32810 USA
Christian Films
They have a large selection of Christian videos for sale and a nice catalog with the description of the videos. They rent 16mm films
Christian Financial Concepts
Christian Financial Concepts
CFC Customer Service
PO Box 2377
Gainesville, GA 30503-2377 US
(770) 534-1000
(800) 722-1976
Spanish videos by Andres Panasiuk
Recorded by Video Esperanza
Christian Supply Media Services
Christian Supply Media Services
10209 SE Dividion Street
Portland, Oregon 97266
(503) 256-4520
Church Film Library
Church Film Library
3712 Davie Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33312 USA
(305) 792-4476
Club Televideo Cristiano
Club Televideo Cristiano
PO Box 39
Ontario CA 91762
fax: 909-391-6526
Comev-Communicacoes Evangelicas
Comev-Communicacoes Evangelicas
Rua Com. Norberto Jogre 40
04602 Brooklin
Sao Paulo, S.P.
Brasil, S. America
Joseph Rast
Confederacion Iberoamericana de Comunicadores y Medios Masivos Cristianos
Casilla 5010
Santa Cruz, Bolivia fax: (591-3)520958
tel: (591-3) 529051/520793/525210
Confederacion Iberoamericana de Comunicadores y Medios Masivos Cristianos
Confederacion Iberoamericana de Comunicadores y Medios Masivos Cristianos
P.O. Box 2340
Cheseapeake, VA. 23327-USA
Tel: 804-579-4203Fax: 804-579-4219
Attn: Rudy Gir�n
Apartado 27-I
01907 Guatamala City, Guatamala
Crown Ministries International
Crown Ministries International
P.O. Box 49
Euclid, Minnesota 56722
(218) 745-5826
Comunicaciones Bautistas Internacionales (CBI)
Comunicaciones Bautistas Internacionales (CBI)
Cali, Colombia
contact John Magyar at
Daystar Productions
Daystar Productions
326 South Willie Ave.
Wheeling, Illinois 60090 USA
(312) 541-3547
Diamond Entertainment Corporation
Diamond Entertainment Corporation
Anaheim, California
Discovery House Publishers
Distribuciones Ebenezer
Distribuciones Ebenezer
Attn: Luis Lara
814 S. Alvarado St.
Los Angeles, California 90057 USA
Editorial Concordia
Editorial Concordia
3558 S. Jefferson Ave.
St. Louis, Missouri 63118-3968 USA
Editorial Cuajimalpa
Editorial Cuajimalpa
Sergio Diaz
Av. Mexico 319-A
Cuajimalpa, Mexico D. F. 05000
Phone 011-525-813-7303
Catholicism: Crisis of Faith
Editorial Disc�pulo
Editorial Disc�pulo
Apartado 202
22080 Huesca
Tel�f./Fax 011-34-974-23-07-02
Distributes Catholicism Crisis of Faith in Spanish
Editorial Vida
Editorial Vida
Adqui�ralos en su librer�a cristiana favorita o llame al 954-570-8765
Estus Pirkle
Estus Pirkle
PO Box 80
Myrtle, Miss 38650 USA
(601) 988-2219
The Burning Hell and Believer's Heaven in 16mm
Widely used in Mexico as an evangelistic film
Graham Falconer
Graham Falconer
Apartado 1344
01901 Guatemala City
Fax 011-502-233-7145
Distributes Catholicism Crisis of Faith in Spanish
Family Films
Family Films
3558 S. Jefferson Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63118-3968
The ministry has been discontinued
Films for Chirst / Eden Communications
Films for Chirst / Eden Communications
PO Box 200
Gilbert, AZ 85299-0200 USA
Ph. (800) 332-2261
Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer
Colorado Springs, CO 90920 USA
John Fries
John Fries
P.O. Box 26479
Colorado Springs, CO 80936
Ph. (719) 596-6560
El Gran Desafio- video for Muslims
Garza Pharmacy and Christian Bookstore
Garza Pharmacy and Christian Bookstore
Edinburg, Texas
Bookstore in Edinburg, Texas with some Spanish video titles
Gateway Films-Vision Video
Gateway Films-Vision Video
2030 Wentz Church Road
P.O. Box 540
Worcester, Pennsylvania 19490-9985 USA
(215) 584-1893
They have a nice video catalog and a nice Spanish catalog with pictures of the covers of the video and the description. They have a good selection of Spanish Christian videos.
Good News Defenders
Good News Defenders
P.O. Box 8007
La Jolla, California 92038
Good News Productions
Good News Productions
PO Box 222
Joplin, MO 64802 USA
Gospel Films
Gospel Witness Films
Gospel Witness Films
Atlanta, Georgia 30301
(404) 633-1086
Group Publishing
Heartland Productions/Mark IV Films/Mustard Seed Int'l
Heartland Productions/Mark IV Films/Mustard Seed Int'l
5907 Meredith Drive
Des Moines, Iowa 50322 USA
(515) 270-2080
They have some good prophecy videos in Spanish
Hermano Pablo Ministries/Asociacion Hermano Pablo
Hermano Pablo Ministries/Asociacion Hermano Pablo
2080 Placentia Ave.
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
TEL: (714) 645-0676
FAX: (714) 645-0374
Correo Electronico
International Bible Society
International Bible Society
P.O. Box 35700
Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3570 USA
Impact Resources
Impact Resources
P.O. Box 1169
Murrieta, California 92362-1169 USA
(714) 677-4724
Please visit my new Global Christian Video Directory at
It has a list of thousands of titles of Christian videos in over 1000 languages fo the world and where to buy them. This web site is an updated version of this site, the World
Christian Video Directory
If you have any questions or need help finding a particular video, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact