- Missions
(1) How to set up a mission program and keep it going in your church by the
Reverend Edison Queiroz
(2) The Urgency of Transcultural Missions by the Reverend Wedge Alman
- Christian Life and Family
(1) How to be a successful Christian by the Reverend Wayne Meyers
(2) Communication in the Family by the Reverend Osvaldo Casatti
(3) Personal Conflicts by the Reverend Salvador Dellutri
(4) Using Money in the Family by the Reverend Javier Costazar
(5) The Games Married couples Play by the Reverend Ra�l Hern�ndez
- Bible and Theological Classes
(1) Minor and Major Prophets (about 20 hours) by the Reverend Marcos Z�rate
(2) Theology I & II (about 15 hours) by the Reverend Eugenio Ram�rez
(3) Who will be the Anti-Christ? by the Reverend Harold Sevener
(4) Mechanism of Subliminal Satanic Messages by Dr. Rodrigo Carrasco
(5) Many Bible book studies (John, Revelation etc.)
- Testimonies
(1) From Cocaine to Christ by Patricio Moreno
(2) The Best Triumph of My Life by Daniel Kuchen Evangelism
(1) How to Share your Faith by the Reverend Hector Bonarrico
- Videos on Social Issues
(1) What Christians should know about AIDS
(2) Drugs: Prevention, the Mask and the cure.
(3) Abortion: The Solution? Allowed in Some Cases?
- Messages Given at International Congresses
(1) Decade of Harvest: Emilio Abreu, Edwin Alvarez, Omar Cabrera, Satirio
Dos Santos, Bruno Frigoli, Eduardo Herrera and Renato Silva
(2) Comiban: Humberto Aragao, Ian Benson, Loren Cunningham, Peter Maiden
and Thomas Schaller
(3)Operation Mobilization: Frank Dietz, Rudy Giron, Don Hamman, Don
McCurry and Edison Queiroz
- And various others (Over 350 Bible classes have been put on video)
Fuerza Para Vivir ~ Studio JTV
Cerco de Espinos by the Reverend Italo Frigoli ~ Studio JTV
Carretera al Infierno ~ Studio JTV
Puertas Abiertas ~ Studio JTV
A Solas con Dios ~ Studio JTV
Rainbow Club ~ Studio JTV
Sexo: Pasi�n o Amor? ~ Studio JTV